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Ant Node API Reference

The Ant Node provides a comprehensive API for running and managing nodes in the Autonomi network. This documentation covers both the Python bindings and the Rust implementation.


# Install using uv (recommended)
curl -LsSf <> | sh
uv pip install maturin
uv pip install antnode

# Or using pip
pip install antnode
# Add to Cargo.toml
ant-node = "0.3.2"

Basic Usage

from antnode import AntNode

# Create and start a node
node = AntNode()
    rewards_address="0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",  # Your EVM wallet address
    evm_network="arbitrum_sepolia",  # or "arbitrum_one" for mainnet
    root_dir=None,  # Uses default directory
use ant_node::{NodeBuilder, NodeEvent};
use ant_evm::RewardsAddress;
use libp2p::Multiaddr;

// Create and start a node
let node = NodeBuilder::new()

Core Features

Node Information

# Get node's peer ID
peer_id = node.peer_id()

# Get current rewards address
address = node.get_rewards_address()

# Get routing table information
kbuckets = node.get_kbuckets()
for distance, peers in kbuckets:
    print(f"Distance {distance}: {len(peers)} peers")

# Get all stored record addresses
records = node.get_all_record_addresses()
// Get node's peer ID
let peer_id = node.peer_id();

// Get current rewards address
let address = node.rewards_address();

// Get routing table information
let kbuckets = node.get_kbuckets()?;
for (distance, peers) in kbuckets {
    println!("Distance {}: {} peers", distance, peers.len());

// Get all stored record addresses
let records = node.get_all_record_addresses()?;

Storage Operations

# Store data
key = "0123456789abcdef"  # Hex string
value = b"Hello, World!"
node.store_record(key, value, "chunk")

# Retrieve data
data = node.get_record(key)

# Delete data
success = node.delete_record(key)

# Get total storage size
size = node.get_stored_records_size()
use ant_protocol::storage::ValidationType;

// Store data
let key = "0123456789abcdef";  // Hex string
let value = b"Hello, World!";
node.store_record(key, value, ValidationType::Chunk)?;

// Retrieve data
let data = node.get_record(key)?;

// Delete data
let success = node.delete_record(key)?;

// Get total storage size
let size = node.get_stored_records_size()?;

Directory Management

# Get various directory paths
root_dir = node.get_root_dir()
logs_dir = node.get_logs_dir()
data_dir = node.get_data_dir()

# Get default directory for a specific peer
default_dir = AntNode.get_default_root_dir(peer_id)
// Get various directory paths
let root_dir = node.root_dir();
let logs_dir = node.logs_dir();
let data_dir = node.data_dir();

// Get default directory for a specific peer
let default_dir = Node::get_default_root_dir(peer_id)?;

Event Handling

# Event handling is automatic in Python bindings
# Events are logged and can be monitored through the logging system
use ant_node::{NodeEvent, NodeEventsReceiver};

// Get event receiver
let mut events: NodeEventsReceiver = node.event_receiver();

// Handle events
while let Ok(event) = events.recv().await {
    match event {
        NodeEvent::ConnectedToNetwork => println!("Connected to network"),
        NodeEvent::ChunkStored(addr) => println!("Chunk stored: {}", addr),
        NodeEvent::RewardReceived(amount, addr) => {
            println!("Reward received: {} at {}", amount, addr)
        NodeEvent::ChannelClosed => break,
        NodeEvent::TerminateNode(reason) => {
            println!("Node terminated: {}", reason);

Configuration Options

Node Configuration

  • rewards_address: EVM wallet address for receiving rewards
  • evm_network: Network to use ("arbitrum_sepolia" or "arbitrum_one")
  • ip: IP address to listen on
  • port: Port to listen on
  • initial_peers: List of initial peers to connect to
  • local: Whether to run in local mode
  • root_dir: Custom root directory path
  • home_network: Whether the node is behind NAT

Network Types

  • arbitrum_sepolia: Test network
  • arbitrum_one: Main network

Error Handling

    node.store_record(key, value, "chunk")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error storing record: {e}")
use ant_node::error::Error;

match node.store_record(key, value, ValidationType::Chunk) {
    Ok(_) => println!("Record stored successfully"),
    Err(Error::StorageFull) => println!("Storage is full"),
    Err(Error::InvalidKey) => println!("Invalid key format"),
    Err(e) => println!("Other error: {}", e),

Best Practices

  1. Error Handling
  2. Always handle potential errors appropriately
  3. Implement retry logic for network operations
  4. Log errors for debugging

  5. Resource Management

  6. Monitor storage usage
  7. Clean up unused records
  8. Handle events promptly

  9. Network Operations

  10. Use appropriate timeouts
  11. Handle network disconnections
  12. Maintain peer connections

  13. Security

  14. Validate input data
  15. Secure storage of keys
  16. Regular backups of important data